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Downtown Partnership Launches New, Mobile-Friendly Website

The Downtown Partnership (DP) announces the launch of a new mobile-friendly website which features improved functionality, a modern design and updated content.

The responsive site celebrates and promotes local businesses with a dedicated landing page for every business. Advanced interactive maps throughout the site utilize the latest vector based mapping engine for optimal speed and performance featuring “find nearby” listings on each landing page to cross-promote businesses by location.

The visually stunning site includes many new features that work to inform and inspire. The site is easy for staff to update, ensuring the most up to date information is available to viewers.

“The site provides an online platform for us to promote the Downtown District in an exciting and engaging way that tailors to key downtown audiences: residents, visitors, businesses, employees and developers.” said Kelly Timberlake, Downtown Marketing Director. “The new website is impressive. It’s user-friendly, intuitive, and has beautiful imagery. We couldn’t be happier with the site!”